What are the most popular tourist attractions in Esfahan or Isfahan Iran

What are the most popular tourist attractions in Esfahan or Isfahan Iran?

What are the most popular tourist attractions in Esfahan or Isfahan Iran? Isfahan is an ancient city in the center of Iran located about 340 km south of Tehran. Isfahan is the capital of Isfahan Province and the Persians call it “Nesf-e-Jahan”, meaning “Half the World”. Here are our suggestions on amazing place to visit is the following:

Kakh-e Chehel Sotun

The Chehel Sotune includes the Palace and its garden. This palace was constructed during the kingdom of First Shah Abbas and a building was located in the middle of this garden. The reflection of the twenty pillars of the hall in the pool opposite the palace brings about a conception of forty pillars. But in fact the number of “Forty” represents the quantity and multitude in Iran and the reason for which the mentioned building is called Chehel Sotun is the great number of the pillars in this palace.

Naqsh-e Jahan Square (Central Square)

Most of the foreign tourists believe that Imam square is one of the greatest squares in the world. Naqsh-e Jahan Square has witnessed many historical memories of Iran during the past four centuries.

Masjed-e Sheikh Lotfollah

This mosque is another masterpiece of architecture and tile work of the 16th century which was constructed by the first Shah Abbas and took a period of 18 years to be completed. This mosque stands on the eastern side of Naghsh-i Jahan Square.

Bazar-e Bozorg

One of Iran’s most historic and fascinating bazaars, this sprawling covered market links between Naqsh-e Jahan Square and the Masjed-e Jameh. This bazaar is too busy in the mornings, the bazaar’s arched passageways are topped by a series of small domes, each spilling shafts of light onto the commerce below. While the oldest parts of the bazaar are more than a thousand years old. What are the most popular tourist attractions in Esfahan or Isfahan Iran?

Vank Cathedral

The cathedral was established in 1606. The varying fortunes and independence of this suburb across the Zayande River and the mix of European missionaries, mercenaries and travelers can be traced almost chronologically in the cathedral’s styles and contrasts in its external and internal architectural treatment. This church contains over 500 handwritten books and many valuable and fantastic resources for research in medieval European languages and arts. This church also has the museum displaying numerous artifacts from the history of the Armenian community in Isfahan. What are the most popular tourist attractions in Esfahan or Isfahan Iran?


The Allahverdi Khan Bridge popularly known as Si-o-se-pol (the bridge of thirty-three spans), is the biggest of the all historical bridges on the Zayanderud river. This bridge was built in the early 17th century, and it is a popular recreational place which the people of Isfahan gathering for having funs.

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